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Text File | 2004-08-21 | 22.9 KB | 1,209 lines |
- # Data for our solar system.
- "Mercury" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "mercury.*"
- BumpMap "mercurybump.*"
- BumpHeight 2.5
- Radius 2440
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-mercury"
- EllipticalOrbit {
- Period 0.2408
- SemiMajorAxis 0.3871
- Eccentricity 0.2056
- Inclination 7.0049
- AscendingNode 48.33167
- LongOfPericenter 77.456
- MeanLongitude 252.251
- }
- RotationPeriod 1407.509405
- Obliquity 7.01
- EquatorAscendingNode 48.42
- RotationOffset 291.20
- Albedo 0.06
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Mercury"
- {
- Texture "mercury.*"
- OverlayTexture "mercury-lok-mask.png"
- BumpMap "mercurybump.*"
- BumpHeight 2.5
- }
- "Venus" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "venussurface.*"
- # BumpMap "venusbump.*"
- HazeColor [ 0.5 0.35 0.2 ]
- HazeDensity 0.35
- Radius 6052
- Atmosphere {
- Height 60
- Lower [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
- Upper [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ]
- Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
- CloudMap "venus.jpg"
- CloudHeight 50
- CloudSpeed 90
- }
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-venus"
- EllipticalOrbit {
- Period 0.6152
- SemiMajorAxis 0.7233
- Eccentricity 0.0068
- Inclination 3.3947
- AscendingNode 76.681
- LongOfPericenter 131.533
- MeanLongitude 181.979
- }
- RotationPeriod 5832.479839
- Obliquity 178.78
- EquatorAscendingNode 300.22
- RotationOffset 137.45
- Albedo 0.77
- }
- "Earth" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "earth.*"
- NightTexture "earthnight.*"
- # SpecularTexture "earth-spec.*"
- Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
- SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
- SpecularPower 25.0
- HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
- HazeDensity 0.3
- Radius 6378.140 # equatorial
- # Oblateness 0.0034
- # BumpMap "earthbump.*"
- # BumpHeight 4.5
- Atmosphere {
- Height 60
- Lower [ 0.43 0.52 0.65 ]
- Upper [ 0.26 0.47 0.84 ]
- Sky [ 0.40 0.6 1.0 ]
- Sunset [ 1.0 0.6 0.2 ]
- # Sunset [ 0.3 1.0 0.5 ]
- CloudHeight 7
- CloudSpeed 65
- CloudMap "earth-clouds.*"
- }
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-earth"
- EllipticalOrbit {
- Period 1.0000
- SemiMajorAxis 1.0000
- Eccentricity 0.0167
- Inclination 0.0001
- AscendingNode 348.739
- LongOfPericenter 102.947
- MeanLongitude 100.464
- }
- RotationPeriod 23.9344694 # 23.93419
- Obliquity -23.45
- RotationOffset 280.5 # offset at default epoch J2000
- Albedo 0.30
- }
- "Moon" "Sol/Earth"
- {
- Texture "moon.*"
- BumpMap "moonbump.*"
- BumpHeight 0.3
- Radius 1737.53
- # Oblateness 0.002
- CustomOrbit "moon"
- EllipticalOrbit {
- Period 27.321661
- SemiMajorAxis 384400
- Eccentricity 0.054900
- Inclination 5.15
- }
- Obliquity 23.45 # mean axis
- EquatorAscendingNode 0.0 # mean axis
- RotationOffset 38
- Albedo 0.12
- }
- "Mars" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "mars.*"
- # Texture "mars8k.dds"
- BumpMap "marsbump.*"
- BumpHeight 2.5
- Color [ 1 0.75 0.7 ]
- HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
- HazeDensity 0.45
- Radius 3396 # equatorial
- # Oblateness 0.0069
- Atmosphere {
- Height 30
- Lower [ 0.8 0.6 0.6 ]
- Upper [ 0.7 0.3 0.3 ]
- Sky [ 0.83 0.75 0.65 ]
- Sunset [ 0.7 0.7 0.8 ]
- # Slightly bluish sunset, as seen in true color pictures
- # from Pathfinder
- }
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-mars"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 1.8809
- SemiMajorAxis 1.5237
- Eccentricity 0.0934
- Inclination 1.8506
- AscendingNode 49.479
- LongOfPericenter 336.041
- MeanLongitude 355.453
- }
- RotationPeriod 24.622962
- Obliquity 26.72
- EquatorAscendingNode 82.91
- RotationOffset 136.005
- Albedo 0.150
- }
- "Phobos" "Sol/Mars"
- {
- Mesh "phobos.cmod"
- Texture "phobos.*"
- # BumpMap "phobosbump.jpg"
- # BumpHeight 5
- Radius 13.0 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -0.233 -0.156 -0.168 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.318910
- SemiMajorAxis 9377.2
- Eccentricity 0.0151
- Inclination 1.075
- AscendingNode 128.694 # J2000
- ArgOfPericenter 213.804 # J2000
- MeanAnomaly 191.771 # J2000
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 354.2
- Albedo 0.07
- }
- "Deimos" "Sol/Mars"
- {
- Mesh "deimos.cmod"
- Texture "deimos.*"
- Radius 7.9 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -0.299 -0.284 0.369 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 1.262441
- SemiMajorAxis 23463.2
- Eccentricity 0.00033
- Inclination 1.793
- AscendingNode 25.229
- ArgOfPericenter 208.213
- MeanAnomaly 344.128
- }
- Obliquity 0.9
- EquatorAscendingNode 183.0
- RotationOffset 214.7
- Albedo 0.08
- }
- "Jupiter" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "jupiter.*"
- HazeColor [ 0.4 0.45 0.5 ]
- HazeDensity 0.3
- Radius 71492 # equatorial
- Oblateness 0.0649
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-jupiter"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 11.8622
- SemiMajorAxis 5.2034
- Eccentricity 0.0484
- Inclination 1.3053
- AscendingNode 100.556
- LongOfPericenter 14.7539
- MeanLongitude 34.404
- }
- Atmosphere {
- Height 300
- Lower [ 0.7 0.6 0.5 ]
- Upper [ 0.5 0.45 0.4 ]
- Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
- Sunset [ 1.0 0.6 0.2 ]
- }
- RotationPeriod 9.927953 # System II (for GRS)
- # RotationPeriod 9.92425 # System III (radio emissions)
- Obliquity 2.222461 # 1.82246 # 2.22246
- EquatorAscendingNode -22.203 # -1.87785 # -22.203
- RotationOffset 12 # for correct location of GRS
- # (equal to 101 minus current W longitude of GRS)
- # RotationOffset 305.40 # correct System III prime meridian
- Albedo 0.51
- }
- "Amalthea" "Sol/Jupiter"
- {
- Texture "amalthea.*"
- Color [ 0.63 0.45 0.35 ]
- Mesh "amalthea.cmod"
- Radius 134 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -13.616 -0.448 -4.436 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2452583.763194445 # 2002 Nov 5 06:19UT (Galileo encounter)
- Period 0.498179 # mean
- SemiMajorAxis 181994.78 # at epoch
- Eccentricity 0.0045045 # at epoch
- Inclination 0.384285 # at epoch
- AscendingNode 220.288958 # at epoch
- ArgOfPericenter 301.622765 # at epoch
- MeanAnomaly 315.352094 # at epoch
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 252.1
- Albedo 0.06
- }
- "Io" "Sol/Jupiter"
- {
- Texture "io.*"
- Radius 1821.6
- CustomOrbit "io"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2443000.00038375
- Period 1.769138
- SemiMajorAxis 421600
- Eccentricity 0.0041
- Inclination 0.040
- AscendingNode 312.981
- LongOfPericenter 97.735
- MeanLongitude 106.724
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 220.8
- Albedo 0.61
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Jupiter/Io"
- {
- Texture "io.*"
- OverlayTexture "io-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Europa" "Sol/Jupiter"
- {
- Texture "europa.*"
- Radius 1560.8
- CustomOrbit "europa"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2443000.00038375
- Period 3.551810
- SemiMajorAxis 670900
- Eccentricity 0.0101
- Inclination 0.470
- AscendingNode 101.087
- LongOfPericenter 155.512
- MeanLongitude 176.377
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 56.2
- Albedo 0.64
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Jupiter/Europa"
- {
- Texture "europa.*"
- OverlayTexture "europa-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Ganymede" "Sol/Jupiter"
- {
- Texture "ganymede.*"
- Radius 2631.2
- CustomOrbit "ganymede"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2443000.00038375
- Period 7.154553
- SemiMajorAxis 1070000
- Eccentricity 0.0015
- Inclination 0.195
- AscendingNode 119.841
- LongOfPericenter 188.831
- MeanLongitude 121.206
- }
- Obliquity 0.1
- EquatorAscendingNode 161.6
- RotationOffset 262.1
- Albedo 0.42
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Jupiter/Ganymede"
- {
- Texture "ganymede.*"
- OverlayTexture "ganymede-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Callisto" "Sol/Jupiter"
- {
- Texture "callisto.*"
- Radius 2410.3
- CustomOrbit "callisto"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2443000.00038375
- Period 16.689018
- SemiMajorAxis 1883000
- Eccentricity 0.007
- Inclination 0.281
- AscendingNode 323.265
- LongOfPericenter 335.933
- MeanLongitude 85.091
- }
- Obliquity 0.4
- EquatorAscendingNode 160.6
- RotationOffset 120.1
- Albedo 0.20
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto"
- {
- Texture "callisto.*"
- OverlayTexture "callisto-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Saturn" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "saturn.*"
- Color [ 1.0 1.0 0.85 ]
- HazeColor [ 0.0 0.0 1 ]
- HazeDensity 0.25
- Radius 60268 # equatorial
- Oblateness 0.0980
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-saturn"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 29.4577
- SemiMajorAxis 9.5371
- Eccentricity 0.0542
- Inclination 2.4845
- AscendingNode 113.715
- LongOfPericenter 92.432
- MeanLongitude 49.944
- }
- Atmosphere {
- Height 300
- Lower [ 0.8 0.75 0.65 ]
- Upper [ 0.6 0.55 0.45 ]
- Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
- }
- RotationPeriod 10.65622 # System III (magnetic field)
- Obliquity 28.049 # 28.052 # old value: 26.73
- EquatorAscendingNode 169.530 # 168.8112 # 169.53
- RotationOffset 358.922 # correct System III prime meridian
- Albedo 0.50
- Rings {
- Inner 74500 # includes some ringlets inside edge of C ring at 74660
- Outer 140220
- Texture "saturn-rings.png"
- }
- }
- "Prometheus" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "prometheus.*"
- Mesh "prometheus.cmod"
- Radius 74 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ 0.75 -2.68 1.064 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.612986
- SemiMajorAxis 139350
- Eccentricity 0.0023
- Inclination 0.000
- LongOfPericenter 32.879 # J2000.0
- MeanAnomaly 22.695 #
- }
- RotationOffset 236
- Albedo 0.6
- }
- "Pandora" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "asteroid.jpg"
- Mesh "pandora.cmod"
- Radius 57 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ 0.692 -1.454 -0.422 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.628804
- SemiMajorAxis 141700
- Eccentricity 0.0044
- Inclination 0.000
- LongOfPericenter 234.458 # J2000.0
- MeanAnomaly 62.483 #
- }
- RotationOffset 117
- Albedo 0.5
- }
- "Epimetheus" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "epimetheus.*"
- Mesh "epimetheus.cmod"
- Radius 72 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -5.196 -2.241 -1.878 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.694590
- SemiMajorAxis 151422
- Eccentricity 0.0205
- Inclination 0.337 #
- AscendingNode 149.880 #
- ArgOfPericenter 86.905 # J2000.0
- MeanAnomaly 192.354 #
- }
- RotationOffset 249
- Albedo 0.5
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Saturn/Epimetheus"
- {
- Texture "epimetheus-lok.*"
- }
- "Janus" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "janus.*"
- Mesh "janus.cmod"
- Radius 96 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -1.552 1.358 2.257 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.694590
- SemiMajorAxis 151472
- Eccentricity 0.0073
- Inclination 0.168 #
- AscendingNode 120.557 #
- ArgOfPericenter 43.066 # J2000.0
- MeanAnomaly 79.973 #
- }
- RotationOffset 64
- Albedo 0.6
- }
- "Mimas" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "mimas.*"
- # Texture "white.jpg"
- # BumpMap "mimasbump.jpg"
- # BumpHeight 10.0
- Color [ 0.75 0.63 0.58 ]
- BlendTexture true
- Radius 198.6
- CustomOrbit "mimas"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.9424218
- SemiMajorAxis 185520
- Eccentricity 0.0202
- Inclination 1.53
- MeanAnomaly 23
- }
- Obliquity 1.5 #J2000.0
- EquatorAscendingNode 137.8 #J2000.0
- RotationOffset 190.7 #J2000.0
- Albedo 0.5
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Saturn/Mimas"
- {
- Texture "mimas.*"
- OverlayTexture "mimas-lok-mask.png"
- Color [ 0.75 0.63 0.58 ]
- BlendTexture true
- }
- "Enceladus" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "enceladus.*"
- Radius 249.4
- CustomOrbit "enceladus"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 1.370218
- SemiMajorAxis 238020
- Eccentricity 0.0045
- Inclination 0.02
- MeanAnomaly 215
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 322.9
- Albedo 0.99
- }
- "Tethys" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "tethys.*"
- Radius 529.9
- CustomOrbit "tethys"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 1.887802
- SemiMajorAxis 294660
- Eccentricity 0.0
- Inclination 1.09
- MeanAnomaly 98
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 330.6
- Albedo 0.9
- }
- "Dione" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "dione.*"
- Radius 559
- CustomOrbit "dione"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 2.736915
- SemiMajorAxis 377400
- Eccentricity 0.0022
- Inclination 0.02
- MeanAnomaly 310
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 317.1
- Albedo 0.7
- }
- "Rhea" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "rhea.*"
- Radius 764
- CustomOrbit "rhea"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 4.517500
- SemiMajorAxis 527040
- Eccentricity 0.0010
- Inclination 0.35
- MeanAnomaly 190
- }
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 195.0
- Albedo 0.7
- }
- "Titan" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "titan.*"
- Color [ 0.8 0.2 0.45 ]
- HazeColor [ 0.781 0.629 0.975 ]
- HazeDensity 0.6
- Radius 2575
- Atmosphere {
- Height 200
- Lower [ 0.477 0.367 0.211 ]
- Upper [ 0.96 0.805 0.461 ]
- Sky [ 0.3 0 0 ]
- CloudHeight 3
- CloudSpeed 65
- CloudMap "titan-clouds.*"
- }
- CustomOrbit "titan"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 15.945421
- SemiMajorAxis 1221850
- Eccentricity 0.0292
- Inclination 0.33
- MeanAnomaly 120
- }
- Obliquity 0.6
- EquatorAscendingNode 186.6
- RotationOffset 318.9
- Albedo 0.21
- }
- "Hyperion" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Mesh "hyperion.cmod"
- Texture "hyperion.*" # Phil Stooke
- Radius 171 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -3.424 10.938 4.498 ]
- CustomOrbit "hyperion"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 21.276609
- SemiMajorAxis 1481100
- Eccentricity 0.1042
- Inclination 0.43
- MeanAnomaly 350
- }
- # The rotation of Hyperion is chaotic; we don't attempt to model
- # the rotation exactly, but instead use non-zero precession rate to
- # make the rotation appear somewhat irregular.
- Obliquity 61 # pole at time of
- EquatorAscendingNode 145 # Voyager 2 encounter
- RotationPeriod 120 # 5-day best-fit rotation
- PrecessionRate 51.43 # 7-day wobble in light curve
- Albedo 0.3
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Saturn/Hyperion"
- {
- Texture "hyperion-lok.*" # Phil Stooke
- }
- "Iapetus" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Texture "iapetus.*"
- Radius 718
- CustomOrbit "iapetus"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 79.330183
- SemiMajorAxis 3561300
- Eccentricity 0.0283
- Inclination 7.52
- MeanAnomaly 245
- }
- Obliquity 15.5
- EquatorAscendingNode 213.7
- RotationOffset 14.9
- Albedo 0.2
- }
- "Phoebe" "Sol/Saturn"
- {
- Mesh "roughsphere.cms"
- Texture "asteroid.jpg"
- Radius 110
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2453168.3159722 # 2004 June 11 19:35 (Cassini encounter)
- Period 548.21 # mean
- SemiMajorAxis 12915512.0 # at epoch
- Eccentricity 0.152924 # at epoch
- Inclination 151.668210 # at epoch
- AscendingNode 14.381449 # at epoch
- ArgOfPericenter 281.103195 # at epoch
- MeanAnomaly 31.776215 # at epoch
- }
- RotationPeriod 9.282
- Obliquity 17.4
- EquatorAscendingNode 259.9
- RotationOffset 320.3
- Albedo 0.05
- }
- "Uranus" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "uranus.*"
- Color [ 0.75 0.85 1.0 ]
- HazeColor [ 0.5 0.8 1.0 ]
- HazeDensity 0.2
- Radius 25559 # equatorial
- Oblateness 0.0229
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-uranus"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 84.0139
- SemiMajorAxis 19.1913
- Eccentricity 0.0472
- Inclination 0.7699
- AscendingNode 74.230
- LongOfPericenter 170.964
- MeanLongitude 313.232
- }
- Atmosphere {
- Height 130
- Lower [ 0.75 0.85 1.0 ]
- Upper [ 0.5 0.8 0.9 ]
- Sky [ 0.6 0.7 0.7 ]
- }
- RotationPeriod 17.24 # System III (magnetic field)
- Obliquity 97.81
- EquatorAscendingNode 167.76
- RotationOffset 331.18 # correct System III prime meridian
- Albedo 0.66
- Rings {
- Inner 41837
- Outer 51179
- Texture "uranus-rings.png"
- }
- }
- "Miranda" "Sol/Uranus"
- {
- Texture "miranda.*"
- Radius 235.8
- CustomOrbit "miranda"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 1.413
- SemiMajorAxis 129800
- Eccentricity 0.0027
- Inclination 4.22
- MeanAnomaly 120
- }
- RotationPeriod 33.92350159 # enforce sync rotation
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 144.3
- Albedo 0.32
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Uranus/Miranda"
- {
- Texture "miranda.*"
- OverlayTexture "miranda-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Ariel" "Sol/Uranus"
- {
- Texture "ariel.*"
- Radius 578.9
- CustomOrbit "ariel"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 2.520
- SemiMajorAxis 191200
- Eccentricity 0.0034
- Inclination 0.31
- MeanAnomaly 56
- }
- RotationPeriod 60.48909292 # enforce sync rotation
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 18.8
- Albedo 0.39
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Uranus/Ariel"
- {
- Texture "ariel.*"
- OverlayTexture "ariel-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Umbriel" "Sol/Uranus"
- {
- Texture "umbriel.*"
- Radius 584.7
- CustomOrbit "umbriel"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 4.144
- SemiMajorAxis 266000
- Eccentricity 0.0050
- Inclination 0.36
- MeanAnomaly 280
- }
- RotationPeriod 99.46022991 # enforce sync rotation
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 66.9
- Albedo 0.21
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Uranus/Umbriel"
- {
- Texture "umbriel.*"
- OverlayTexture "umbriel-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Titania" "Sol/Uranus"
- {
- Texture "titania.*"
- Radius 788.9
- CustomOrbit "titania"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 8.706
- SemiMajorAxis 435800
- Eccentricity 0.0022
- Inclination 0.10
- MeanAnomaly 30
- }
- RotationPeriod 208.94077099 # enforce sync rotation
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 97.2
- Albedo 0.27
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Uranus/Titania"
- {
- Texture "titania.*"
- OverlayTexture "titania-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Oberon" "Sol/Uranus"
- {
- Texture "oberon.*"
- Radius 761.4
- CustomOrbit "oberon"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 13.463
- SemiMajorAxis 583600
- Eccentricity 0.0008
- Inclination 0.10
- MeanAnomaly 150
- }
- RotationPeriod 323.117567539 # enforce sync rotation
- Obliquity 0.0
- RotationOffset 168.2
- Albedo 0.23
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Uranus/Oberon"
- {
- Texture "oberon.*"
- OverlayTexture "oberon-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Neptune" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "neptune.*"
- Color [ 0.75 0.75 1.0 ]
- HazeColor [ 0.6 1 0.75 ]
- HazeDensity 0.35
- Radius 24766 # equatorial
- Oblateness 0.017
- CustomOrbit "vsop87-neptune"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 164.793
- SemiMajorAxis 30.0690
- Eccentricity 0.0086
- Inclination 1.7692
- AscendingNode 131.722
- LongOfPericenter 44.971
- MeanLongitude 304.880
- }
- Atmosphere {
- Height 130
- Lower [ 0.6 0.65 1.0 ]
- Upper [ 0.5 0.55 0.9 ]
- Sky [ 0.5 0.7 0.9 ]
- }
- RotationPeriod 16.11 # System III (magnetic field)
- Obliquity 28.03
- EquatorAscendingNode 49.235
- RotationOffset 228.65 # correct System III prime meridian
- Albedo 0.62
- Rings {
- Inner 53150
- Outer 62947
- Texture "neptune-rings.png"
- }
- }
- "Larissa" "Sol/Neptune"
- {
- Texture "asteroid.jpg"
- Mesh "larissa.cmod"
- Radius 100 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ 4.564 -0.126 0.302 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 0.554654
- SemiMajorAxis 73548
- Eccentricity 0.0014
- Inclination 0.744 #
- AscendingNode 324.857 #
- ArgOfPericenter 215.004 # J2000.0
- MeanAnomaly 157.543 #
- }
- Obliquity 0.1
- EquatorAscendingNode 349.1
- RotationOffset 165.8
- Albedo 0.056
- }
- "Proteus" "Sol/Neptune"
- {
- Mesh "proteus.cmod"
- Texture "proteus.*" # Phil Stooke
- Radius 219 # maximum semi-axis
- MeshCenter [ -4.146 -0.022 5.153 ]
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2450085.5 # 1996 Jan 3 00:00UT
- Period 1.122315 # mean
- SemiMajorAxis 117647 # mean
- Eccentricity 0.0005 # mean
- Inclination 1.090 # at epoch
- AscendingNode 330.943 # at epoch
- ArgOfPericenter 267.246 # at epoch
- MeanAnomaly 213.916 # at epoch
- }
- Obliquity 0.6
- EquatorAscendingNode 331.0
- RotationOffset 97.8
- Albedo 0.061
- }
- "Triton" "Sol/Neptune"
- {
- Texture "triton.*"
- Radius 1353.4
- Atmosphere {
- Height 1
- Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ]
- Upper [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ]
- Sky [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
- }
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2447763.5 # 1989 Aug 25 00:00UT (Voyager encounter)
- Period 5.8768541 # mean
- SemiMajorAxis 354765.286 # at epoch
- Eccentricity 0.00002285 # at epoch
- Inclination 156.826240 # at epoch
- #AscendingNode 172.426656 # at epoch
- AscendingNode 147.899288 # at epoch
- ArgOfPericenter 293.092400 # at epoch
- MeanAnomaly 315.726316 # at epoch
- }
- RotationEpoch 2447763.5 # 1989 Aug 25 00:00UT (Voyager encounter)
- Obliquity 156.8 # at epoch
- EquatorAscendingNode 147.9 # at epoch
- RotationOffset 71.5 # at epoch
- Albedo 0.756
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Neptune/Triton"
- {
- Texture "triton.*"
- OverlayTexture "triton-lok-mask.png"
- }
- "Nereid" "Sol/Neptune"
- {
- Mesh "asteroid.cms"
- Texture "asteroid.jpg"
- Radius 170
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Epoch 2447763.5 # 1989 Aug 25 00:00UT (Voyager encounter)
- Period 360.13619 # mean
- SemiMajorAxis 5513400 # mean
- Eccentricity 0.7512 # mean
- Inclination 28.385 # at epoch
- AscendingNode 190.678 # at epoch
- ArgOfPericenter 17.690 # at epoch
- MeanAnomaly 36.056 # at epoch
- }
- Albedo 0.155
- }
- "Pluto" "Sol"
- {
- Texture "pluto-lok.*"
- SpecularTexture "pluto-lok-spec.*"
- SpecularColor [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
- SpecularPower 9.5
- Radius 1151
- CustomOrbit "pluto"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 248.54
- SemiMajorAxis 39.48168677
- Eccentricity 0.24880766
- Inclination 17.14175
- AscendingNode 110.30347
- LongOfPericenter 224.06776
- MeanLongitude 238.92881
- }
- RotationPeriod 153.293904
- Obliquity 115.60
- EquatorAscendingNode 228.34
- RotationOffset 320.75
- Albedo 0.55
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Pluto"
- {
- Texture "pluto-lok.*"
- SpecularTexture "pluto-lok-spec.*"
- SpecularColor [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
- SpecularPower 9.5
- }
- "Charon" "Sol/Pluto"
- {
- Texture "charon-lok.*"
- SpecularTexture "charon-lok-spec.*"
- SpecularColor [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
- SpecularPower 9.5
- Radius 593
- InfoURL "http://www.nineplanets.org/pluto.html#Charon"
- EllipticalOrbit
- {
- Period 6.387246
- SemiMajorAxis 19636
- Eccentricity 0.0002
- Inclination 0.0048
- AscendingNode 273.5582
- ArgOfPericenter 313.7606
- MeanAnomaly 93.4395
- }
- Obliquity 1.0
- EquatorAscendingNode 287.6
- RotationOffset 213.3
- Albedo 0.35
- }
- AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Pluto/Charon"
- {
- Texture "charon-lok.*"
- SpecularTexture "charon-lok-spec.*"
- SpecularColor [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
- SpecularPower 9.5
- }